In an unexpected development, Ghanaian actor Kwaku Manu has linked Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s loss in the 2024 presidential election to his attendance at churches and traditional shrines.
Manu suggests that these actions might have estranged Bawumia’s main Muslim backers, playing a major role in his defeat.
During his campaign, Dr. Bawumia, a committed Muslim, undertook multiple prominent visits to Christian churches and traditional shrines.
These trips encompassed prayers at the wulomo’s shrine, a traditional priest, and at Adom Kyei Duah’s church. Manu thinks that these moves were a tactical blunder, implying that they could have made Muslim voters feel estranged from Bawumia.
Manu’s assertions emphasize the profound dedication of Muslim voters to their faith.
He claims that Bawumia’s engagement with different religious groups could have been seen as a betrayal by his Muslim supporters, resulting in their support shifting towards John Mahama, who ended up winning the election by a considerable margin.
The Electoral Commission declared the final election results on December 9, 2024, revealing that John Dramani Mahama obtained 56.55% of the votes, whereas Bawumia received 41.61%.
Manu’s examination indicates that Bawumia’s efforts to reach a wider religious crowd might have had the opposite effect, resulting in the loss of vital votes from his own group.
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