Award-winning Gospel musician, Diana Hamilton has proposed that artists should include therapists in their teams.
She believes that providing therapists will encourage artists to discuss their struggles and assist in tackling drug use among musicians in Ghana.
“I seek the face of the holy spirit before I get on the stage. People who do have any form of backing think they have to take some drugs to give them the adrenaline to get on that stage. Most people in other parts of the world who are creatives have therapists.
These people visit their therapists and tell them their problems. They explain whether their songs are doing well or will do well. So if you don’t have a therapist and God who will help you gather yourself and go during your down moments, then they resort to these drugs,” she said.
Diana Hamilton, addressing the situation of Okamfo Kwadee, emphasized the importance of assisting creatives in Ghana to understand that they can perform or compose quality songs without relying on drugs.
“We need to pray for Kwadee; we need to make creatives realize that you don’t need drugs to jump on stage. Don’t let us glorify drugs. Don’t preach these drugs, which may encourage these kids to go and look for them,” she said