After several speculations about her pregnancy, confidently reports that popular Ghanaian Socialite and Entrepreneur, Confidence Haugen has finally delivered a baby boy.
Confidence made the announcement on her Instagram page today. “It’s a boy”, that was how she made her baby announcement.
According to her post, Confidence delivered on Saturday January 9, 2016 at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London. She also revealed the name of the baby as Odin Agbeko Haugen.
Confidence who is also known as Mamaga kept her pregnancy from public until she firmed it in December last year.
The Aphrodisiac Night Club CEO shared picture on December 31, 2015 showing off her baby bump confirming her pregnancy. Confidence caption the photo: “Thank u Lord. 2015 was a blessing I cannot wait for 2016. Happy New Year ”, and she is definitely having a great new year as she welcomes her second son into Haugen family.Source: