Renowned Ghanaian comedian and event organizer, OB Amponsah, has disclosed the difficulties he encounters while organizing his events. In a recent interview on Hitz FM’s morning show, he shared that he does not earn a profit from his events.
He highlighted the struggles comedians face when hosting their shows, mentioning that his latest comedy performance at the Bukom Boxing Arena left him in debt. Despite having organized multiple comedy specials, including ‘Popular But Broke’ at the National Theatre of Ghana, OB views the financial challenges as a worthwhile investment in his art.
“I made a loss of about GH₵ 40,000,” he told the host DJ Slim.
On December 21, 2024, he made history by filling the 4,000-seat Bukom Boxing Arena for his 10th anniversary comedy show. Before the event, he expressed his frustrations about the high taxes imposed on tickets, arguing that it was unjust for the Ghana Revenue Authority to tax complimentary tickets as well. This revelation highlights the struggles faced by comedians in Ghana, who often find it difficult to sustain themselves financially despite their talent and popularity.