Rocky Dawuni, a renowned reggae artist from Ghana, compared himself to “John the Baptist,” a figure who God uses to create doors for other Ghanaian musicians to gain access to the international music business.
Rocky claims that regardless of what people may think, Ghanaian artists are capable of receiving Grammy nominations.
He stated that every musician in Ghana has a high chance of being nominated for a Grammy during an interview with Berla Mundi at the brunch for all the African Grammy nominees.
The three-time Grammy nominee also provided a list of potential nominees, which included all of the well-known names in Ghana’s music industry.
He claimed that the time is now because Ghanaian music is prepared.
Rocky Dawuni claimed that, despite not succeeding in his category at the 2018 Grammy Awards, he always has a “winning mindset” and that Ghana’s nominations are opening the door for a bigger victory.