Renowned Ghanaian counselor and self-acclaimed relationship expert, Counsellor George Lutterodt, has once again stirred controversy with his unapologetic remarks on relationships and infidelity. During a recent interview, the outspoken counselor declared that no woman, including his own wife, can stop a man from cheating because the act of staying faithful is a personal decision.
In his words, “There’s nothing any woman can do to stop a man from cheating. Including my wife. Really? It’s a personal decision.”
The conversation took a shocking turn when the host of the show asked Counsellor Lutterodt if he currently has a side chick. Without hesitation, he replied, “Not yet. But when the money comes, I will show manna what it means. Because it is capital intensive. If you get money, you will get a side chick. It’s capital intensive.”
His remarks have sparked outrage among social media users, with many calling him out for promoting infidelity and a lack of respect for committed relationships. Critics argue that such statements undermine the efforts of faithful partners and fuel toxic relationship dynamics.
However, others have defended the controversial counselor, claiming that he is merely speaking his truth about societal realities. According to supporters, his candidness highlights the financial motivations behind certain relationship decisions and challenges traditional expectations of fidelity.
This isn’t the first time Counsellor Lutterodt has courted controversy. Known for his unfiltered opinions on love, marriage, and gender dynamics, he has often found himself at the center of heated debates. While some see him as a voice of truth, others believe his views are damaging to the sanctity of relationships.
As the backlash continues to pour in, one thing is certain: Counsellor Lutterodt has once again managed to get people talking. Whether you agree with him or not, his polarizing statements are hard to ignore.