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I AM DISAPPOINTED IN FDA – Nana Romeo On Fella’s Alleged Arrest For Selling Unregistered Drugs

Media personality, Nana Romeo has expressed disappointment with the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) following the reported arrest of actress Fella Makafui for vending certain body enhancement concoctions.

According to him, he holds the FDA accountable for recent incidents where celebrities purportedly sell body enhancement concoctions to unsuspecting consumers who are duped by their fabrications.

He urged the government to scrutinize the state institution’s efficacy in fulfilling its duties.

In an interview with Abrantepa Benefo Buabeng on the E-Forum show broadcast on GhanaWeb TV, Romeo stated, “I also fault the FDA. I’ve consistently pointed out that the slimming concoctions peddled by these celebrities require scrutiny. Why haven’t they been vetted all this time, given that I’m certain the FDA wouldn’t sanction slimming teas and similar products?

“We’re aware these products are ineffective. They invariably wait for an incident before initiating probes and making arrests. I believe the government should confront the FDA for their lack of effectiveness in their responsibilities.”

Romeo further remarked that the news of Fella undergoing a tummy tuck to slim her stomach while marketing products purported to achieve the same effect, coupled with the police detention, will be a stigma henceforth.

“People mock her for undergoing a tummy tuck while claiming to the public that the tea slimmed her stomach. This will be a blemish for Fella, as people will recall this incident whenever she endorses a product.”



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