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The Founder and Leader of the All People Congress (APC), Hassan Ayariga, has accused the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) of destroying Ghana’s politics with money.

He says that the two parties have succeeded in monetizing Ghana’s elections to the extent that people demand money to vote in a particular way.

He said while speaking in an interview with TV3’s Keminni Amanor on the Hot Issues on TV3 on Sunday, February 18 “The NDC and the NPP over the years have turned Ghana into a business center where they have turned Ghanaian voters vulnerable.  They have to pay them money to vote and those who take the money to vote are those who make the decision of who becomes the president.

“I am not ready to become corrupt like the NDC and NPP, they monetize elections. Over the years there has been serious voter apathy because Ghanaians are getting fed up with NPP and NDC and looking for a third force unfortunately and sadly they are not seeing those of us who are giving them the best policies and best strategies in running Ghana.”

Hassan Ayariga further served notice to hold officials of the current government who engage in corrupt activities accountable should he win the elections.

He says those persons should pray he does not become the president if they want to escape accountability.

“If you are a political thief pray that Hassan Ayariga doesn’t become president, if you are corrupt pray hard that Hassan Ayariga doesn’t become the president.

“If you have mismanaged our country pray hard that Hassan Ayariga doesn’t become president because when I become president all those who have mismanaged our money and resources, I will change their sleeping places,” he said.

As fas as the APC’s preparations for this year’s elections are concerned, Hassan Ayariga indicated that he is fully prepared financially for the presidential and parliamentary elections.

He revealed that he has budgeted $100 million to execute the campaign this year to win the presidential polls.

Asked what his budget is, he said “It is a lot, we are looking at 100 million dollars to win the sections.

“Any party that will win an election in Ghana this time around will spend not less than 50 to 100 million dollars.”

Asked again whether the APC will have parliamentary candidates in all the constituencies, he answered “We are looking at winning 25 constituencies. ”











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