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UNACCEPTABLE; MUST BE INVESTIGATED – Joromo MP, Affo-Toffey Reacts To ‘Sex For Fish’

The Member of Parliament for Joromo, Dorcas Affo-Toffey, has vehemently denounced the reported practice of young girls being coerced into trading sex for fish by fishermen in coastal communities within her constituency.

The investigative report, compiled by Accra-based JoyNews, has uncovered disturbing trends of teenage girls in Half Assini, a community within the Jomoro District of the Western Region, being subjected to exploitation by fishermen during periods of abundant harvests.

Expressing her dismay, MP Dorcas Affo-Toffey, in a statement shared on social media on February 13, 2024, described the allegations as “very worrying and unacceptable.” She emphasized that if proven true, such actions would constitute a severe violation of the victims’ human rights and dignity.

“The alleged conduct of those involved undermines the dignity of our people and our shared values as a society,” the MP stated unequivocally. “We cannot tolerate the exploitation of vulnerable members of our society, particularly young females, under any circumstances.”

In light of these revelations, MP Dorcas Affo-Toffey called upon various state authorities to swiftly investigate the matter and ensure that all perpetrators are brought to justice.

She urged the collaboration of agencies such as the Criminal Investigations Department, the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection, and others, to conduct a thorough inquiry into the allegations.




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